Actions to Enhance Global Security

Pre-Conference in Zagreb on May 3-4, 2013

Actions to Enhance Global Security

May 3 – 4, 2013

The World Academy of Art and Science

The European Leadership Network

Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy


Hotel Dubrovnik,  Zagreb

Co-sponsored by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Atlantic Council of

Brief description of the project:
This conference was a continuation of the International Conference on Nuclear Threats & Security held in Dubrovnik, September 2012.

The aim of the conference was to formulate actions to:

  1. Assure non-proliferation of WMD and their constant reduction,
  2. Lead toward disarmament also through establishment of NWFZ and WMD Free Zones, and
  3. Reduce and finally to eliminate violent intra- and inter-state conflicts, to abolish war.

This conference was a continuation of several conferences organized in 2012 (e.g. Pugwash, Astana, Dubrovnik, London and Amman) and the plan of action will be based on many ideas exposed at these conferences. A particular attention is devoted to a unique role of NATO in helping a realization of some of these ideas.
The Action Plan will be presented at the WMD NATO conference in Split, May 6 and 7, 2013, and also at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Dubrovnik in October 2013. Representing the Zagreb conference at the Split and Dubrovnik conferences will be Lord Des Browne, convener of European Leadership Network,. Garry Jacobs, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the World Academy of Art and Science and Ivo Šlaus, president of the World Academy of Art and Science.